Table: QUOTES by Topic
This table identifies all of the Quotes from my other eight books currently added to the online Book of Thoughts.
Each Quote has its own file, which includes:
- The content of the Quote
- Information used by the Obsidian Dataview plugin to create the tables used on this site, which includes both the name of the book source and it’s link on Amazon.
Each Quote is identified by its LEVEL. The Level helps you to understand how all Quotes (and their Topics) are related to each other.
The items in the File column are links that can be clicked on to take you to that particular Quote.
File (82) | Level | Book | Topic* | Topic Level |
ETERNAL-DAMNATION | 5 | The Narrow Way | topic-APOCALYPSE | 5 |
NOT-WITHOUT-HUMILITY | 3 | The Narrow Way | topic-ATTITUDE | 3 |
THE-SERVANT-KING | 3 | The Narrow Way | topic-ATTITUDE | 3 |
WRONG-REASON | 3 | The Basics and More: A Year’s Sermons | topic-ATTITUDE | 3 |
CONSEQUENCES | 2 | IMMMUNITY to the Lake of Fire: A No-Nonsense Guide | topic-DIVINE-SOVEREIGNTY | 2 |
THE-BOOK-OF-LIFE | 2 | IMMMUNITY to the Lake of Fire: A No-Nonsense Guide | topic-DIVINE-SOVEREIGNTY | 2 |
CHOSEN | 2 | The Narrow Way | topic-DIVINE-SOVEREIGNTY | 2 |
FOREKNOWN | 2 | The Narrow Way | topic-DIVINE-SOVEREIGNTY | 2 |
WHERE-IS-GOD | 4 | The Narrow Way | topic-DIVINE-SOVEREIGNTY | 2 |
ONE-WILL | 2 | Once Saved, Always Saved: The Assurance of Our Father’s LOVE | topic-DIVINE-SOVEREIGNTY | 2 |
THE-DESIRE-TO-RETURN | 4 | IMMMUNITY to the Lake of Fire: A No-Nonsense Guide | topic-EVIL | 4 |
CHILD-OF-SATAN | 4 | The Narrow Way | topic-EVIL | 4 |
UNGODLY | 4 | The Narrow Way | topic-EVIL | 4 |
HIS-TOOL | 4 | The Narrow Way | topic-EVIL | 4 |
EVIL-IDENTIFIED | 4 | The Narrow Way | topic-EVIL | 4 |
FEELINGS | 4 | IMMMUNITY to the Lake of Fire: A No-Nonsense Guide | topic-FAITH | 4 |
VALUE-OF-FAITH | 4 | IMMMUNITY to the Lake of Fire: A No-Nonsense Guide | topic-FAITH | 4 |
FAITH-FOCUSED | 4 | The Narrow Way | topic-FAITH | 4 |
LOGICAL-COURSE | 4 | Once Saved, Always Saved: The Assurance of Our Father’s LOVE | topic-FAITH | 4 |
BANKRUPT | 3 | IMMMUNITY to the Lake of Fire: A No-Nonsense Guide | topic-GRACE | 3 |
GOD-IS-GENEROUS | 3 | IMMMUNITY to the Lake of Fire: A No-Nonsense Guide | topic-GRACE | 3 |
FULL-ASSURANCE | 3 | The Narrow Way | topic-GRACE | 3 |
JUSTIFICATION | 3 | The Narrow Way | topic-GRACE | 3 |
FRUIT-OF-THE-SPIRIT | 3 | The Narrow Way | topic-GRACE | 3 |
ADOPTION | 3 | The Narrow Way | topic-GRACE | 3 |
UNCONDITIONAL-GRACE | 3 | Once Saved, Always Saved: The Assurance of Our Father’s LOVE | topic-GRACE | 3 |
UNCONDITIONAL | 3 | Once Saved, Always Saved: The Assurance of Our Father’s LOVE | topic-GRACE | 3 |
PERFECT-PEACE | 3 | The Traveler’s Oasis, Book One | topic-GRACE | 3 |
REINVENT | 3 | The Traveler’s Oasis, Book One | topic-GRACE | 3 |
CESSATION-OF-LABOR | 3 | The Traveler’s Oasis, Book Two | topic-GRACE | 3 |
CHRIST-IS-ENOUGH | 3 | The Traveler’s Oasis, Book Two | topic-GRACE | 3 |
THE-LAST-ADAM | 3 | The Traveler’s Oasis, Book Three | topic-HUMANITY | 3 |
HUMILITY | 4 | IMMMUNITY to the Lake of Fire: A No-Nonsense Guide | topic-HUMILITY | 4 |
SELF-SACRIFICE | 4 | The Narrow Way | topic-HUMILITY | 4 |
DUAL-PUNISHMENT | 5 | IMMMUNITY to the Lake of Fire: A No-Nonsense Guide | topic-JUSTICE | 5 |
CHRIST-THE-END | 4 | The Traveler’s Oasis, Book Two | topic-LAW | 4 |
THE-TEN-COMMANDMENTS | 4 | The Traveler’s Oasis, Book Two | topic-LAW | 4 |
SPOKEN-ACTS | 5 | IMMMUNITY to the Lake of Fire: A No-Nonsense Guide | topic-LINGUISTICS | 5 |
FORGIVE-SINS | 5 | IMMMUNITY to the Lake of Fire: A No-Nonsense Guide | topic-MERCY | 5 |
NO-OBLIGATION | 5 | IMMMUNITY to the Lake of Fire: A No-Nonsense Guide | topic-MERCY | 5 |
MEANING-OF-LIFE | 4 | The Narrow Way | topic-PHILOSOPHY | 4 |
NATION-OF-ISRAEL | 4 | The Traveler’s Oasis, Book Three | topic-POLITICAL-SCIENCE | 4 |
THE-CHRISTIAN-SYSTEM | 4 | The Traveler’s Oasis, Book Three | topic-POLITICAL-SCIENCE | 4 |
POLITICAL-CHRIST | 4 | The Traveler’s Oasis, Book Three | topic-POLITICAL-SCIENCE | 4 |
MY-PROGRAMMING | 4 | The Traveler’s Oasis, Book Two | topic-PSYCHOLOGY | 4 |
CHAOS | 4 | The Traveler’s Oasis, Book Three | topic-PSYCHOLOGY | 4 |
DEAD-WORKS | 4 | IMMMUNITY to the Lake of Fire: A No-Nonsense Guide | topic-RELIGION | 4 |
PERFORMANCE | 4 | IMMMUNITY to the Lake of Fire: A No-Nonsense Guide | topic-RELIGION | 4 |
ISLAM-DEFEATED | 4 | Letters from God: A Work of Fiction | topic-RELIGION | 4 |
HEART-OF-MANKIND | 4 | The Narrow Way | topic-RELIGION | 4 |
LAW-OF-DOUBT | 4 | The Narrow Way | topic-RELIGION | 4 |
SO-MANY-GOSPELS | 4 | The Traveler’s Oasis, Book Two | topic-RELIGION | 4 |
WORKS | 4 | The Basics and More: A Year’s Sermons | topic-RELIGION | 4 |
INCOMPATIBLE | 2 | IMMMUNITY to the Lake of Fire: A No-Nonsense Guide | topic-SPIRITUALITY | 2 |
HEAVENLY-FOOD | 2 | The Basics and More: A Year’s Sermons | topic-SPIRITUALITY | 2 |
LIMITED-BIBLE | 5 | IMMMUNITY to the Lake of Fire: A No-Nonsense Guide | topic-THE-BIBLE | 5 |
SCRIPTURE-AS-HISTORY | 5 | The Narrow Way | topic-THE-BIBLE | 5 |
PERFECTION | 1 | IMMMUNITY to the Lake of Fire: A No-Nonsense Guide | topic-THE-GODHEAD | 1 |
MIRACLES | 1 | IMMMUNITY to the Lake of Fire: A No-Nonsense Guide | topic-THE-GODHEAD | 1 |
ETERNITY | 1 | Once Saved, Always Saved: The Assurance of Our Father’s LOVE | topic-THE-GODHEAD | 1 |
FORGOTTEN-INJUSTICE | 1 | The Traveler’s Oasis, Book One | topic-THE-GODHEAD | 1 |
GOD-IS-GOOD | 1 | The Traveler’s Oasis, Book One | topic-THE-GODHEAD | 1 |
GOODNESS-OF-GOD | 1 | The Traveler’s Oasis, Book One | topic-THE-GODHEAD | 1 |
THE-CROSS | 2 | IMMMUNITY to the Lake of Fire: A No-Nonsense Guide | topic-THE-GOSPEL | 2 |
SALVATION | 2 | IMMMUNITY to the Lake of Fire: A No-Nonsense Guide | topic-THE-GOSPEL | 2 |
TRANSCENDENT-VALUE | 2 | IMMMUNITY to the Lake of Fire: A No-Nonsense Guide | topic-THE-GOSPEL | 2 |
TRUTH-AND-FAITH | 2 | IMMMUNITY to the Lake of Fire: A No-Nonsense Guide | topic-THE-GOSPEL | 2 |
HEIR-OF-GOD | 2 | The Narrow Way | topic-THE-GOSPEL | 2 |
ONE-FAMILY | 2 | The Narrow Way | topic-THE-GOSPEL | 2 |
SOMETHING-BETTER | 2 | The Narrow Way | topic-THE-GOSPEL | 2 |
THE-CALL | 2 | The Narrow Way | topic-THE-GOSPEL | 2 |
THE-SALVATION | 2 | The Narrow Way | topic-THE-GOSPEL | 2 |
THE-NARROW-WAY | 2 | The Narrow Way | topic-THE-GOSPEL | 2 |
BEGOTTEN | 2 | The Basics and More: A Year’s Sermons | topic-THE-GOSPEL | 2 |
HEADING-HOME | 2 | The Narrow Way | topic-TRUTH | 2 |
NORMAL-REALITY | 2 | The Narrow Way | topic-TRUTH | 2 |
ETERNAL-LIGHT | 3 | Once Saved, Always Saved: The Assurance of Our Father’s LOVE | topic-UNDERSTANDING | 3 |
GENIUS | 3 | The Traveler’s Oasis, Book Three | topic-UNDERSTANDING | 3 |
NO-NEED | 3 | IMMMUNITY to the Lake of Fire: A No-Nonsense Guide | topic-WEALTH | 3 |
WEEALTH-AND-FAITH | 3 | IMMMUNITY to the Lake of Fire: A No-Nonsense Guide | topic-WEALTH | 3 |
PRAYER | 3 | The Narrow Way | topic-WORSHIP | 3 |
THE-DESIRE-OF-NATIONS | 2 | The Basics and More: A Year’s Sermons | topic-WORSHIP | 3 |
parent:: index